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Welcome to Dr. Kim Speaks

Specializing in the Uncensored Human Experience

Hi there! I am a consultant, trainer, and speaker who cares deeply about the human experience. I grew up in a super small town in North Carolina. I became a single mother at 21 to an amazingly talented and wonderful child. I have been on government assistance, I have checked into a homeless shelter, I have experienced trauma, and I have experienced extreme joy. I also went off to school, worked many jobs at once, raised my kid, and three degrees later, I am Dr. Kim. My life has not been an easy journey, but it has been so rich in experiences. Through all of that, I was loved so very deeply by my mom, dad, daughter, and now husband. No, we didn't always get along or see eye to eye, but the love and sense of belonging (when I wanted to belong) is what repaired my broken heart and ministered to my wounded soul. I want us all to be loved and I think that starts with understanding one another. Some of us know what it's like to be empty...tired...broken. I provide all of my services from a place of compassion, empathy, sympathy, and most importantly, LOVE. â€‹


So, my daddy is a preacher in the South.....

You might have preconceived notions about how I grew up and the values I learned. No matter which way your thoughts go, the one thing that was always the most meaningful to me growing up in Christianity was the concept of love and how we show love to others.  Love is an action word. I know the Christian community has a long-standing negative history with the idea of people claiming a gender outside of male and female. Thinking about sexuality, gender, mental health, and the church can be a trigger for many people. In my efforts to truly understand this intersection, I spent my last ten years researching just that. I am hoping my studies, life experiences, and the stories of others will provide some insight into gender variance and religious reconciliation. I have created a series of courses to help you understand the connection between Christianity, mental health, and gender. 


My mom is a highly degreed Registered Nurse..

Before I could walk, my mom taught me how to be a professional and leader. Those skills came in handy because I have been a people leader for over 15 years. During that time, I learned so many valuable lessons that I know will help others. Managers have to operate in a circular fashion (take my courses and I'll explain more). I am offering valuable insights and interactive experiences to leaders. 

Knowing Your Why....and Your Why Not

My husband and daughter have, at times, been the why and the why not. Sometimes life throws you some curveballs that completely throw you off your game...if you were even in the game. I provide you a peek inside my life and journey. This presentation is an emotional roller coaster meant to incite deep inner thoughts. I provide an interactive presentation that will force you to look at your life and make some potentially hard decisions. Sometimes you need to leap and sometimes you need to stay put. Either way, let's talk about it. 

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